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Dec 22, 2010

Will Gold Reach USD5000 Per Ounce?

Posted by PutraDinar

The sound of precious metal breaking new record can be heard any where now. All kind of mass media talking about the important of Gold as inflation free medium to put your wealth in. Not to forget about the rise of silver in 2010. On May 15 we already mention about the potential of gold to reach USD1300 per ounce in 2010 and today nearly at the end of the year 2010 the price of gold has reach USD1389 (Wednesday, Dec 22). To read the article (click here).

Will gold reach USD5000 per ounce within this two years? Now this all depends on how much the supply of FIAT around the world ; ) and a few days back there's an article talking about the potential of gold reaching USD 5000 per ounce. And the article below is the summary of the article from wealthdaily.com , Friday, December 17th, 2010 

Investors have been shuffling currencies around faster than a game of three-card Monte as the true value of world's paper money is being exposed. But in the end, the only real winners would have walked away from the table long ago, their pockets stuffed with the only currency that really matters: gold


The consequences of decades of abuse to the system of credit in the United States are coming to a head. And the gray clouds that loom over the skies of the dollar are growing bolder by the day and darker by the minute.
The cold hard fact is I expect the U.S. dollar to ultimately collapse within 24 short months. This failure will likely push gold prices to over $5,000 an ounce. Meaning that, even at $1,400 an ounce, gold is still dirt cheap. Every investor should own gold right now as the ultimate store of wealth that will protect hard work and savings. As the world begins to learn the true nature of the world's funny money, masses of new buyers will come flooding into the gold market. And this surging demand will be the catalyst that launches the price of gold into the stratosphere. It's pretty simple... Most investors are unaware, but the gold market is incredibly small. There have only been about 175,000 tonnes of gold ever mined. That means there is only 0.9 of an ounce of gold for every person on the planet. That's why they call it precious! Simply owning a single ounce of gold puts you in a much higher global economic class. When the oceans of fiat money suddenly try to take a part in the gold market, the law of supply and demand will fundamentally force prices much higher.

But don't put all your eggs in the gold basket

While the price of gold will soar and get most of the attention, it's silver that typically outperforms gold, dollar for dollar invested. In certain instances when gold prices have doubled, the price of silver has outperformed gold by a factor of more than six-to-one!

The only problem with silver is that it's not as portable as gold. You can hold $50,000 worth of gold with your two hands cupped in front of you. You could put that gold into your coat pockets and walk down the street without anybody knowing what you are carrying... On the other hand, $50,000 worth of silver would take a hand truck to move. Investors should also consider owning silver for the potential use to buy day-to-day items such as bread and prescriptions drugs, preparing for the time the government declares a “bank holiday” as the crisis in the banking sector exacerbates. During a bank holiday, checks and credit cards will no longer be accepted as payment for goods and services. For this reason, I also recommend keeping some cash on hand at all times. I'm not recommending stuffing the mattresses; but it's probably smart to keep a few thousand dollars in 1s, 5s, 10s and 20s around the house. U.S. Silver Eagles would also be very useful in such an event, as they are considered legal tender in the United States and could be used to purchase groceries.

Why lose sleep?

Ownership of gold and silver will become one of the hottest investments on the planet.
The early adopters — those who wisely purchased their positions before the masses come — will sleep well at night while others fret as they watch the purchasing power of their savings evaporate like water in the Sahara.

This article was wrote by :

Greg McCoach
Editor, Wealth Daily
Investment Director, Mining Speculator and Insider Alert

extra info:

World Silverdec 2010 small silver
Investment Demand

  • Investment demand for silver has skyrocketed 522% since 2007.
  • World governments are hoarding silver; official sales have plummeted 83% in the past three years.
  • Above-ground silver supplies dropped 86% last year.
  • Industrial demand for silver has increased over the past decade, despite a 236% increase in prices.

PS : so what are you guys waiting for???

Dec 4, 2010

Pasar Ukaz Berbasis Dinar & Dirham

Posted by PutraDinar

Satu lagi produk Lembaga Ekonomi Syariah muncul di tanah air, yaitu Pasar Ukaz berbasis Dinar (emas) dan Dirham (perak) secara online, bernama Pasarukaz.portalcepat.com, diluncurkan pada forum Seminar Internasional Ekonomi Syariah di Wisma Antara, Jakarta, Sabtu 03 April 2010.
Seminar bertema “Kebangkitan Ekonomi Syariah di Tengah Krisis Ekonomi Global”, Sony Sugema MBA selaku pemilik Pasar Ukaz Online mengatakan, tujuan portal tersebut adalah sebagai sarana jual beli umat melalui dunia maya. “Semua dapat menjadi penjual maupun pembeli di pasar ukaz online ini, dengan catatan menerapkan prinsip ekonomi syariah," ujar Sony yang juga Ketua Koperasi Dinarku Bandung.
Salah satu prinsip syariah yang ditetapkan adalah dalam transaksi penjualan dan pembelian, menggunakan dinar dan dirham dengan cara debit nasabah Koperasi Dinarku secara online atau via transfer antarbank syariah.
Pada kesempatan sama, Ketua Dewan Koperasi Indonnesia (Dekopin) Adi Sasono menyatakan, pasar merupakan lokomotif perjalanan produksi dan distribusi, yang selama ini kurang dikuasai umat Islam secara baik. Karenanya, umat Islam perlu memanfaatkan peluang pasar tersebut yang notabene mayoritas umat Islam.
“Kita memiliki ratusan ribu masjid yang dibangun atas dana swadaya masyarakat, menunjukkan adanya potensi ketahanan ekonomi umat, kalau dimediasi melalui pasar elektronik akan menjadi kekuatan,” ujar Adi Sasono.
Adapun dalam mengiringi perjalanan ekonomi syariah, salah satu anggota Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN), Adiwarman Karim dalam seminar yang dihadiri 200-an peserta itu mengemukakan, perlu adanya ulama yang memahami fikih muamalat dalam mengawal perjalanan lembaga keuangan syariah agar tetap berada di jalan yang benar sesuai syariah.
Sementara, pakar ekonomi syariah negeri jiran Malaysia, DR H Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid pada seminar yang digelar bekerjasama dengan Pesantren Al-Fatah Bogor dan Aqsa Working Group (AWG) Sekretariat Internasional Jakarta menyatakan, pentingnya kekuatan aqidah berlandaskan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah dalam menjalankan ekonomi syariah melalui aplikasi dinar dirham.
"Mengamalkan dinar dan dirham sebagai mata uang hakiki, berarti kita keluar dari lingkaran riba yang selama ini menjerat ekonomi global berbasis uang kertas," tandas dosen Fakultas Bisnis dan Hukum Universitas Multimedia Melaka, Malaysia.
Turut hadir sebagai pembicara Deputi Rektor Insaniah University Malaysia, Prof Zakaria Man, Presiden Gerai Dinar, Muhaimin Iqbal dan Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Al-Fatah Bogor, KH Yakhsyallah Mansur MA. Bertindak sebagai moderator Rektor Universitas Mulawarman, Prof.Arifin Bratawinata dan Ketua Aqsa working Group Internasional, Agus Sudarmadji MSc.
Panitia juga menyelenggarakan Pasar Ukaz produk-produk unggulan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, yang dalam transaksinya menggunakan dinar dan dirham. Pasar Ukaz dilaksanakan di kompleks Pondok Pesantren Al-Fatah Pasirangin, Cileungsi Bogor sejak tanggal 2-4 April 2010. Pasar tersebut dibuka secara resmi oleh Kepala Bidang Pemerintahan Pemrov Jawa Barat, Ir HTubagus Isni yang sekaligus membacakan sambutan tertulis Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan.

(Author: Agus Saefullah) 

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